
  1. Zentri

    Been out of the game for about 5 years - what instants do you recommend? best bang for buck?

    I used to be a regular around here but I stopped using kava for quite a few years, now I wanna get back into it. I used to be big into medium grind and kneading/filter bag etc but now I just want something easy to throw in some water after work and relax etc. I'm looking for instants, what do...
  2. D

    Kava Preparation Instant Kava dosage?

    Hey, Yesterday I had my first shell of Kava. I prepared it with Instant Kava from kavaeurope and I chose a dosage of 1 teaspoon for 200ml of water (as kavaeurope recommended such a dosage and many other websites said, that you should use 1-2 teaspoons per 200ml water). What really confused me...
  3. M

    Is 20-30g Instant Kava daily too much?

    I'm consuming 20-30g Instant Kava daily for depression, social anxiety and coming off Phenibut and Javanica (K@). Is that too much? What might be the dangers? Is there any risk of also getting withdrawal from kava at these doses? I need these high doses to feel something. 10g+10g in the...
  4. AndrewG

    Instant Kava Processing

    Aloha everyone, You know, 5 years ago I was exposed to instant. It was a newer thing in Vanuatu; now it seems to be coming up all over. Perhaps it's been around longer. I've tried a couple instant kava brands. Nothing beats fresh kava, but I am curious does anyone know how the instant kava is...
  5. SpiderMan

    Just ordered my first Kava purchase from Kalm With Kava...what to expect?

    So first off I’ve been smoking weed daily for 10 years and I’ve taken K@ for about 4 years. Decided to order some Kava from Kalm With Kava. The strain I bought was “Micronized Kava - 2 oz, Samoa”. I will definitely take it on an empty stomach. What should I expect? I was also wondering...
  6. K

    Kava Side Effects Serious stomach cramps, bloating and other effects. Wondering if Kava could be the culprit

    Hi all. So as my username suggests, I'm a total Kava newbie. I've been lurking these forums for a while and finally decided to start an account. After doing research and whatnot, I decided that I would go with an instant Kava to start with so I can try it out easily to see how I like it. I've...