kava preparation

  1. kavakarma

    Kava Preparation Rebrewed roots, leftovers, saving kava

    Hello and Bula! Have a shell while you read this! I'm watching the sun rise, and we had some early season chills. Temperatures were stuck in the low 40s F ~ six degrees celcius, with strong winds and wind gusts, 20 to 30mph ~ 30 to 50kph (not sure which units you guys&gals use for weather...
  2. BourbonMac

    Kava Preparation Strange issue while straining 20g last night, never happened before

    So I'd packed like 10g of medium Lewena and 11g of micronized, something I've done before, into my AluBall, which I've used at least a hundred times, and it just simply didn't strain at all. It came out as kava flavored water. This happened to me only when I've used 2 balls before, but never...
  3. C

    Very new

    Hello! I’ve been reading about how to choose and prepare Kava for awhile, and I finally decided to order Nambawan Kava Powder - 1/2 LB from Bula Kava House. It should be here tomorrow. I bought it off of someone’s recommendation for their favorite, but I see now in some posts that it might not...
  4. N

    My new potentially no-nausea kava (needs more testing to be sure))

    Just thought I would share my reddit post here for anyone not on r/kava
  5. N

    I thought I might share my new prep method here:

    I originally posted it to Reddit give it a try and see what you think:
  6. Pauli

    Ironball/Stone in the bag

    Hi friends, anyone tried following instead of aluball? 1) Put 3 Tablespoons Waka into cheescloth. 2) Add 1 heavy metallball or Stone into the cheesecloth 3) close tightly 4) put into shaker and shake
  7. Pauli

    What do you think of alu balls?

    Are they comparable to the traditional methode?
  8. Elmanaro

    El Manaro Kava Preparation Tables

    Hey kava family, I did some calculations (and empirical investigation) last night on how to mix regular and instant kava to achieve the perfect Vanuatu mix. 5 Shells and you're gone! The units are in metric and US. Please inform me if you would like the US measurements to be altered to how you...
  9. StevenF

    Kava Preparation Instant Kava with Coconut Oil Preparation Question

    I've read some posts of preparation using coconut oil to boost the effect. I am thinking on trying the following: 1. Melt Coconut Oil in a pan 2. Add some Instant Kava power to it 3. Stair well for a while ... (below boiling point) 4. Put in container and let it cool down. 5. Put it in the...
  10. Stephanie12

    How long can you safely keep NON-traditionally prepared kava in fridge?

    I spent 1.5 hours last night searching on here before I am posting this question. I found a recipe for kava cake, kava goo by Dingo and this https://www.holistichealthherbalist.com/how-to-make-sleepy-time-gelee/, but no recipes for any kava gummies or other candies:( Essentially I want to know...
  11. StinkWeed

    Dry sifting kava (poor man's micronized)

    Hey guys, it's been a long time. I'll add pictures later on. Posted about this YEARS ago, but have since had a lot of time to experiment and compare, and my favorite, and imo the easiest and fastest way to brew my kava is... With a "bubble bag". The bags are very inexpensive, and easy to use...
  12. Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

    Kava Recipe Vanilla Walnut Kava Milk

    This is a delicious recipe and is made the same exact way you make your kava. Also for a beverage the whole family will enjoy remove the kava ;) Please subscribe to the channel :) Im gonna start making herbal videos and taking any request on how to make some herb based product or questions!
  13. KavaKitty

    Kava Preparation My Current Prep Method

    So, being an awa virgin (mostly), I've been trying different prep methods to see what works best. The one I tried this morning is my favorite so far, and it's a combination of a few. Here's what I did: Took 3 cups of coconut water and 4 tbsp. of Cactus Kava 'ono (thanks, @Kimmer ). Poured about...
  14. verticity

    Maximizing Extraction with the AluBall

    I got a pair of AluBalls a little while ago, and I have been playing with them a bit :D. I wanted to share something I just figured out about how to make the most potent drink from them. The instructions say to put 2 tablespoons in the bottom half of the ball, and then screw on the top half...