Got mine today. Will make a stronger batch when I can, but for now I just made 2tbs in 8oz. I'm sure it'll effect everyone differently, but for me it was similar to Van3 from KBR. The numbing effects were quite strong though, and I wasn't sure if I was getting ill at first. I also felt pretty warm inside, which might have just been numbing. I thought the psychological effects might be overwhelming because of this, but they weren't.
When it first kicked in I felt kind of fuzzy, as if cuddling with random hippies in the grass might not be the worst thing. lol Then I got all empathetic, like every branch blowing in the wind was an individual and I cared about it. haha That sounds crazy/ trippy, but I've had an involuntary animistic bent since childhood, so it's probably just the empathy thing. The third and final effect was a perceived stillness of my surroundings....which is how Van3 effects me too. This led way to a subtle contentment....not led by happiness, but maybe a kind of emptiness Buddhists talk about. All around, for me was a very delicate, quiet, still, and empathetic experience.
Then I finally stood up, and felt a little off kilter. lol I'll try making a stronger batch at some point and see how strong it can be. I imagine it packs a punch. I enjoyed it though and do find it kind of special. It's one of those Kavas that really helps me quiet my mind. Getting effed up though would be nice too.