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Black Bag Kava

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Just wait until you try some more traditional ratios. Try about 1 part kava to three to four parts water by volume and get floored.


Kava Enthusiast
I've got 1/2 cup soaking in 16 ozs of coconut water with a tbs of soy lechtin, I'm too lazy to make it tonight so it's gonna soak untill the morning. I got pretty heavily krunked off slightly less than a 1/4 cup so this should be pretty rad. The taste is so awesome and mellow with a alot of numbing, I bet the kavain content is insane. I havn't noticed any of stomach issues that I assoociate with double bonded kavalactone and it kicks in super fast. It took me way longer than usual to finish the last shell, tommorow I'm gonna take some big Spartan gulps and lay myself out....


Kava Enthusiast
Not sure that I would call it "tasty," exactly, but whoa is this some potent stuff.  I drank down a 2tbs brew 30 minutes ago and I am absolutely stoned.

Well done Judd. This is some of the most powerful kava I've ever drunk.


Kava Curious
whew. Made 3tbs + 3tbs fiji waka in 16oz water for a bedtime treat... Only had about half but I'm fused to the bed. Very nice stuff. Loving this combo.


Kava Curious
This stuff is the best I've tried yet. My bodying is becoming entirely numb. I think I might of had too much, but with this kava that's not a bad thing. I thought I didn't strain my 6tbs enough so I downed it all in about 20minutes! What I'm feeling now is real krunkness; I do think a better brew could be made by mixing kavas though. I didn't think I'd say this, but it was worth 30 dollars! Thanks Judd!

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
I knew you guys would like it. We've served it 3 times at the kava bar and it was received very well, even at its high price compared to out other kavas. I'll try to grab a larger order next time so it will last on the website for more than 6 hours.

@Steve, I'm all for blending kavas. I think doing so with this one would only be good if you're trying to limit the drunk feeling by mixing it with something lighter, and maybe increase a little muscular relaxation.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
@Vesuvio, You're in Ghana, right? How's the post there? We use priority international usually, but could possible arrange express international for more traceability. Or if the post there is particularly horrendous, maybe Fedex. Maybe you could sample our instant too. Of course you would add a Bula Kava House subforum as well?


Kava Curious
I agree with the BKH subforum idea. I love this vendor. I have a friend in Portland I keep nudging to go visit the bar. Haven't convinced her yet, but someday.


haha well I live just a few hours away from Bula Kava House and I've yet to visit Judd! I buy from him all the time but have yet to come in and say hello. As a "kava-lover" I am ashamed haha.. Maybe one of these days I'll let my girlfriend drag me down to Ikea so I can stop by for a kava session


Kava Curious
kavalover~ Do it! Go to BKH first, then lay in Ikea's beds until she's done. lol I'm sad there are no Kava bars near me...

I've had this kava 3-4 times now and it really is exceptional. I think it has really brought my tolerance level up to par, which I wasn't expecting to improve any further. I couldn't even finish my modest brew last night out of krunkness. It also makes me unusually talkative and sociable... Might have to mix it with Fu'u sometime soon.


Kava Enthusiast
I second an honorary weekend! I missed the boat on this kava so I have to live vicariously through everyone else until Judd gets more back in stock.


Kava Enthusiast
Ah, wish I could. I have a sleep disorder that requires me to be pretty militant about consuming intoxicants when I have to work the next day. I took the wed of last week off when my Paradise Awa came in. This week I'm taking Friday off :)


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Judd - would love to try out the Black Bag- sounds great but looks like it is long gone :(   Let me know when you have some more and I will grab it! 

As the owner of Bula Kava House, just curious if you are interested in picking up some kava candy for the customers?  Great to "cleanse" the palate between bowls and get double overload.  People could pick up for their table or take packs home..just a thought:  http://kavalounge.yuku.co...-Kava-Candy#.T_0DU_Ws_Fs

Cheers, Steve


Kava Enthusiast
That is what I plan to do with mine when it arrives.  Shell then a candy.  Nice and numb-2 shells and a candy until I'm "in the zone"


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
CarolinaBC - let me know how it goes for sure :)  it reminds me of ginger with sushi...somewhat of a palate cleanser with a bang or even like a fortune cookie after Chinese food; just something pleasant to enjoy


Kava Enthusiast
Got mine today. 
It looks almost green to me, like and off white greenish thing. Taste is great, although I don't really care about the taste, it seems light in flavor to me, not peppery or anything.
For my review, this stuff is the nasty as all hell, I flat out stoned right now off 3 tbsps. It's very very cerebral to me, my mind is blank and movement is burden to say the least. Hands down the best kava i have had. The only thing that comes close is that one batch of VAN3 which was ultra strong. This kava is  light in the body as well, at least for me, I don't have that hard sedated feeling i get from DHM but instead i just want to remain still and vibe out. This is a kava to melt stress and enjoy alone imo. I don't feel like talking and am cozy in my own world at the moment.
Two thumbs up Judd.