Thanks for the fast replies. I was thinking along the same lines, but I'm sure you know how tempting it can be to go for the gusto when you're starting out. Being a self-proclaimed connoisseur of other herbs, beers, and teas, I can totally relate to the cigar analogy.
I was leaning towards getting 2 of the cheaper kavas. That way I can try low DHM and high DHM kavas to see what I prefer.
Thanks again for the insight
Ordered 1/2 Kilo of Fu'u and a 1/2 Kilo of the Black Bag from BKH. They were out of the Bogoru, so I ordered some from N@H. I won't be using the Black Bag right away, but I figured I should order some incase it doesn't come back around anytime soon.
Hopefully the reverse tolerance doesn't last too long, and this time next week I will be sunk in my couch with a coconut cup or two.
Thanks again.