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Kava Kava Candy


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
There might not be a lot of moms on this forum but wanted to share a nice review of the kava kava candy from a prominent "mom blog".  My sisters have three kids each and I can totally relate to the stresses and anxiety that comes from taking care of them (even when I'm supposed to be fun uncle).  Many of these moms are not familiar with kava in general so glad to see the actual effect of the candy is working for them.  If you do know someone in this situation, please feel free to share this...as someone mentioned - the candy is a good gateway to kava.  Next thing you know they will be sharing bowls with you :) 

"…I am all too familiar with anxiety and panic attacks as a stay at
home mom of five. Four of them are ages 6 and under and two have special
needs. My husband works in sales and he is on the road a lot so I take
care of the kids by myself most of the time.
I love all my children, however they don’t always listen and I get
sick and tired of cleaning up their messes all the time. Like most stay
at home moms a messy home and naughty children can cause me to panic and
feel like I am going crazy. Thank goodness, Ozia Originals has this
tasty candy made with all natural kava kava, lemon balm, and chamomile
which are well known to relieve stress & ease tension. KavaKava
Candy comes in a convenient little package that fits in your purse…"Nonefull review at The Healthy Moms Magazine: The Number One Health Blog for Moms


Is there death before life?
Man, I do love the candy....

Maybe Ill order a few cases soon.

I like em cause there are SO EASY and effective


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Thought I would let you all know that I have an "after Labor Day" special.  Free pack of kava candy with purchase over $10.00.  Free shipping as usual.  Coupon good through Monday and posted at http://www.facebook.com/kavakavacandy

I figure that everyone dreads the day they have to come back after a long, nice weekend - I know I do.  I know that I will be sharing some candy with those frowning faces on Tuesday :)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
*Necro-post powers ON!*
Looks like we got another KavaKandy customer in the making Steve. Gave my best friend the last in the sample pack and she has plans to order some.
Oh and she says Hello.(smiley: grin)


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Vekta - thanks so much for passing the candy around - really appreciate it.  I will do my best to provide your friend aloha and customer service :)  Funny thing:  I am starting to hear some stories on how different people are getting in contact with the candy...there was a customer who knows an Amish family and I guess either the father or son has anxiety problems.  They did not want to make and drink root (yet) but found the candy to be rather harmless and liked it a lot - big coming from the Amish who don't tend to put a lot of substances in their body.  Hopefully, this is the start to a relationship with kava and soon they will be drinking bowls and ending up on the forum talking about best strains and methods (smiley: smile)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
For some reason she likes to order her kava products through me. This will be the second order I will be placing for her. I don't mind doing it though.  Which reminds me I have to make a note for myself to pick up the funds next week!(smiley: eek) *thread visit reminder ftw*


Kava Enthusiast
I came to fully appreciate the value of kava candy this past week on a flight for a business trip. Airports are always killer on my nerves, and at a certain point I can literally feel my stress affecting me. When I got to that point on this trip it would occur to me to eat a candy, then I felt the physical buildup of the stress fall down a level. It would build back up, and I'd knock it back with another candy. Worked great. That's the most tangible impact I've felt from it, I'm not going into an airport again without a pack. I could see this being a lifesaver if you're prone to panic attacks (I'm not, but that's about as close as I get).


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Ed - that is great to hear!  Earlier in the development phase of the candy (literally in my kitchen playing with flavor profiles and strength) I thought about how people would want to use these and traveling was top on the list - whether traveling to the mall, airplane, traffic jam...just needing something to take the edge off a little (that and work).  I did think that if the candy was too strong more liabilities come up...people falling asleep, accidents, folks not functional during the day, etc. If the candy was too weak you might as well get some lifesavers or something.  The middle ground is a good place to be I think - like you said, if you feel stress building, just knock it down a bit w/ candy...builds again and knock it down at your own leisure :)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
The kitchen work paid off real good Steve. My close friend finds kava candy to be exactly the potency she needs. She had me place a big order on her behalf. These are pretty much taking the place of the prescription she refuses  to go back to if she can in any way avoid it.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Vekta -awesome my friend...really glad to hear that.  Makes me feel great that this is something that can truly help :)


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Considering the raving your candy received I'm sure this won't surprise you, but I just finished a few packs and I absolutely love them. Dipping them in Adil's extract and using them sublingually until it absorbs is awesome. Does the note on your website mean that one would have to purchase two cases to receive wholesale price? Not that it will be problem; I'll just have an excuse to stock up. :)


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
ozzyfan121 - honestly, it always seems like a surprise to get some nice feedback - Makes me want to keep developing different products, flavors, etc.  Yes, I tried the candy with a coat of Adil's (Paradise) extract and that is good stuff!  In regards to wholesale (resell), yes, one would have to purchase two cases...this helps me keep shipping free in the U.S. and typically $4.95 International (even for two cases)   It also helps those getting wholesale prices to resell at a store or share with friends :)


Kava Enthusiast
Steve I had a thought to expand upon your already great idea. If it were possible to offer several grades of potency. Speaking for myself I am kind of a hardhead and go for maximum krunkness, typically session 1/4-1/2 cup of quality per root per session. I love the idea of kava candy but would be much more amped if they had a higher dose of kavalactones. I don't know what the cost is and I imagine it would be more expensive to make diesel ones, but I think having the FDA maximum recommended dose (325 mg kavalactones) would candies good for a hardhead looking to straight up chillax. Not that I am saying your original formula is bad, but from a roothead perspective I always want to take it to next level.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
new2kava - I like the idea of "diesel" candies for sure :)  As the little business continues to grow, I am hoping to offer different flavors and also some cool formats as well.  I would eventually like to represent the different regions with kava specific candy...you could have a Vanuatu, Fijian, Hawaiian, Samoan, etc.    Until that time, I guess you might have to take 3-4 candies at a time..(smiley: roll)

For those who might be interested, I just posted an infrequent 20% off coupon which can be found on the coupon tab ~  enjoy!


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Hi All - just thought I would share this picture I created for my site to help get newbies interested in the kava world and what uses the kava candy has.  I find it hard to explain what kava does and how you feel when you take it as most people think immediately about alcohol or weed.  Expectations are skewed because many think (or expect) that kava is going to floor them.  Yes - there is some kava that will make your legless and really get you out there in another world with "excess" use (I have had my days for sure.lol)...but for the average person who drinks a bowl or tries an extract, the experience is quite different.  Wow - I can take kava and still be functional???? It helps me find clarity and focus????  It can curb anxiety and tension????  Please feel free to use this image and introduction to candy if you have some friends that you want to introduce to kava too....hopefully, they will be sharing your best varietals and talking story over a nice session.  Happy experimenting :)



Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
More kava candy just in - hot off the presses!   If you have not tried, these little guys are a great "adult" stocking stuffer for the holidays + it makes shopping a little more bearable  :)

Happy Holidays!



Kava Enthusiast
I realized last week that I'm down to my last pack. I guess I need to ask Santa for some more.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I like that artwork Steve. It took my a few seconds but I noticed the leaves in the background. Nice touch.

Oh and speaking of candy and stress...
The pack of Kava candies I gave one of my college friends has really helped him get through his current classes. His projects include giving oral presentations which totally get to him. I'm going to toss him another pack since they really seem to help him...a lot!


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