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Kava Kava Candy


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Letharia - sorry you had that response that time.  The candy itself should keep for a couple years.  I have even kept them in my car (and Hawaii it is always pretty warm and humid) with no problem.  Because it is a different delivery method you might feel more of a change depending upon your bodies biology that day - via dehydration, empty stomach, full stomach, etc.

Please let me know how it does.  Aloha, Steve


Kava Curious
I ordered the $3 sampler I tried one, it tasted great and it made me feel nice!  So I ordered 2 cases... also ordered 10g of the kava extract to see if I like that!  I had 3 again today and it worked great to relax me... also I good way to lower tolerance!! Steve ships it super fast!... Steve what strain of kava do you use for the candies?


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Flank - thanks for the comments and glad you liked the candy :)  I primarily use a mix of boroguru and melo melo sometimes some mahakea


Kava Curious
After taking four candies today I've been having what you might call a sorbitol purge. Very nasty! After looking up some info on sorbitol I have to say, Steve, that I'm very surprised this sweetener was chosen. Hoping you can switch over to something a little more healthy in the future.


Kava Enthusiast
sugar alcohols like sorbitol can cause diarrhea but you usually have to eat a large amount of it unless u are very sensitive. I wouldnt think that 4 candies would cause this. but regarding sorbitol it is a relatively healthy sugar sub, much better than any chemical sub like aspartame. If it helps to know your tolerance to this effect of sugar alcohols increases the more of it you eat, just start with a smaller amount if it bothers you.

that said i love stevia as a sweetener in candy, its just a leaf, naturally sweet


Kava Curious
I guess I'm sensitive to it. I did read that some people have a bad reaction after chewing two or three sticks of sorbitol gum. The majority of info I found about sorbitol doesn't paint it in a very good light at all. A little better than apartame yes, still not good though. Stevia would have been a much better choice.


Kava Curious
I'd just like to add that I have no previous stomach issues. What may be a factor though is that I had a root canal a few weeks ago and was taking clindamycin. I have two cases minus four candies to get rid of now. I'll see if Steve will give a refund or I'll just sell them on ebay.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
philm400 - really sorry to hear about some stomach issues with the sorbitol.  I had an instant powder that I created using Reb-A (steviol glycosides) and really a derivative of stevia that was nice but did not work as well for forming candy and is really expensive.  Curious if you had gotten the trial or 4 pack before jumping into the wholesale and wondering if there was issues with the candy previously (or maybe there might be a reaction with the clindamycin for the root canal)?  You can always feel free to email or call me also:  [email protected]  808-292.7846  Aloha and hope you feel better


Kava Curious
Thanks Steve! I've been off of the clindamycin for a week. But my GI tract is still probably recovering from the antibiotic bombing. I was feeling fine so I didn't really think about it. Yes, I did buy a single pack in December and I enjoyed it. No problems, but only took one or two at a time then. Maybe I'll hang on to them and wait a few weeks before trying again. All this has me recalling years ago when a friend of mine was a bartender at a bowling alley. He kept setting me up all night long with Godfather's, ameretto and scotch. The next day my stomach felt similar to how it does now and I haven't been able to stand the smell or taste of ameretto since. Hope that elleviates and I can again enjoy the candies... and maybe stick to the one or two formula as before.


Kava Enthusiast
if it helps at all, i dont eat sugar so i am very familiar with sugar alcohols. When I have had this problem with xylitol it basically just made me run to the bathroom, but i didnt have any accompanying stomach pain, and i felt better once i went. this has happened too me several times and it is always the same. i wonder if your stomach was just too sensitive from the meds


Kava Curious
Thanks mos! The meds were definitely the x factor, dialing everything up by ?. This probably has me feeling the full effects of the sorbitol. Stomach bloating and a little pain. Nothing crazy as far as the pain goes, pretty mild actually. Conditions are a little better but still there today.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Keep me updated and hope the problem subsides.  Stomach issues are the worst...sending some good health and aloha :)


Kava Curious
Thanks Steve! I'm still riding out the symptoms. Definitely better than the first couple of days. I understand and can appreciate what you said about different sugar substitutes that didn't work properly in the recipe, and the cost as a factor. Just wishing you could use something like Hawaiian sugar cane to sweeten the candies. I never liked the taste of diet sodas or sugar substitutes. To me closer to natural = better. Anyway, I appreciate you standing behind the product. Please don't take this as a negative post. You've developed a candy that has the relaxing effect of kava, a great accomplishment. Maybe sometime in the future you'll be able to alter the formula. Even using less sorbitol would seem like a good idea. Having more of a kava taste would be something I'd like.


Yeah, I have to be very careful with some sugar alcohols, especially maltitol. Sorbitol can give me cramps and smelly farts, however I haven't had any problems with the Kava candy - but then I have never taken more than 2 in a session.

I have found that the most stomach friendly sugar alcohol, which is also natural, is erythritol. It is widely available but I don't know how the commercial price compares to sorbitol. A sugar-free sweetener with no gastric consequences is sucralose (trade name Splenda). It is commonly used in low carb confectionary.

That said, I prefer Kava candy over Kava extract because it is sugar-free. That is a big advantage to me.


Kava Curious
I've been taking care of my father's health issues for a few years now. It's a minefield out there and to survive you need to educate yourself as best as you can. He's been doing much better since he stopped taking artificial sweeteners altogether. Tastes may be bitter at first but it doesn't take long to break the habit. My guess is that the candies may be very difficult to take without a little something to sweeten them up. Just wondering if some sweet fruit could be combined with the kava.


The sugar in fruit is fructose. I would actually rather have sucrose than fructose, but I realize I am not in the mainstream (I realize that sucrose is half fructose, half glucose). Fructose is metabolized by the liver. There is increasing evidence that it is actually the worst sort of sugar, from a health perspective, when used as a sweetener. Fructose that is consumed as part of a whole fruit, including fiber, is not implicated in obesity to the same extent. The common example is how many oranges does it take to make an orange juice? Would you eat the same number of oranges?

I don't think it would be possible to sweeten kava candy and have everyone agree on the sweetener. But eryrthritol is no more artificial than cane sugar. To quote the wikipedia
" It occurs naturally in some fruits and fermented foods."


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Thanks for the feedback on the sweeter - there are so many considerations when developing products at a commercial level.  Interestingly, I play around with erythritol quite a bit.  Kava is a funny root to try and make inherently good for most people.  I really appreciate the product development in general even by the "big guys".  Remember New Coke which was a complete bomb?  Millions on R&D and more millions on the marketing and launch..all to go back to Coke Classic.  I would eventually like to do an all-natural formula but in good time when it makes sense.