A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
Is this not what you're looking for Headhodge?I am very happy that there is simple way to test the presence of a tudei strain, but I hope it won't be too much of a stretch to somehow refine the test somehow to check for how much tudei a product contains. That would help me tremendously knowing what cultivars are contained in a product and also to what degree.

Yes this's generalizing a bit and to the "layman" who knows what those numbers really mean but in summation harpos given us a prime comparison and obvious clarity at what justifies tudei or otherwise.
@Deleted User Along with the test resiaks performed and especially the one you've posted on the 11 year waka I keep my mouth closed and my eyes wide open.
View attachment 1354
A result like that is blatant as the sky is blue and the grass is green.
Here's what I find interesting, take note of the Qila Leka

What does that say about the 11 year waka hmmm? Now I'm not holding anyone accountable and I honestly don't care about that okay....I care about results and if they're conclusive than my opinion evolves to fit the status quo. Keep in mind that's only once we figure out a more exacting line of nobility because right now isa sits at 5000 on that nifty little chart; we're debating whether anything over 3000 should be declared as non-noble or "less noble" so where does the line sit?
This's quite a conundrum so I'll watch from the sidelines to let the turbulence work itself out.
Oh and @globalkavaexports if you take a look at your malekula magic which I'm fond of...wherever the line of nobility sits it appears to be below the "non-noble" category so it's safe in that respect.
But remember that color is actually more of a generalization which means the color is what's coordinated to the numbers in respect to a cultivars nobility. So maybe 3000 to 3600 is noble or maybe anything past 3200 but less than 3800 is just "less noble" but eh what does that *really mean" anyways @Deleted User ?
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