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Normal Side Effects of Kava


Kava Vendor
12 - 14?!?! How much root do you use to prepare that many shells? I like to get 2 shells in quickly and then stop.
I think everyone call shells something different, or I hope so 12 to 14 sheesh. I call 8 ounces, a cup, a shell and four ounces a half shell. A few weeks back at a party I must of had about 8 cups that day, 64 oz and was pretty twisted. I started to feel a little onset of nausea, and thought oh this is what the guys on the forum are talking about getting sick. So I stopped there and it passed quick and I felt fine.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Yes, a lot depends on how strong you mix it and how much you drink. With most kavas I'm finding about 4 tbsps. is about right for the average evening but I don't like loads of water and having to chug shell after shell. I've only got nausea from one med grind and I think I know why. Any other nausea I have had is from instant and I've learnt now that 2 tbsps. is good for an evening but slam 1 tbsp., wait an hour and then slam another and that does the trick no nausea. (for me)


Yaqona Dina
12 - 14?!?! How much root do you use to prepare that many shells? I like to get 2 shells in quickly and then stop.
I don't drink kava the way most of you on here seem to. You probably partake of the stuff more often than I do. For me (and many Fijians), kava is a social drink. Someone who drinks it alone is likely to be mocked for doing so. A kava session usually lasts 2-4 hours, but if it's an occasion (say a birthday) it can start in the late afternoon and end at 2-3am. At about 4 bilos (or shells, as you call them in the US) per hour, 12 is about average I'd say. A bilo would hold around 200ml of kava.

Typical fijian kava session:

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Kava Enthusiast
Hmm.... elaborate? I've never had this and would be curious as to how high these doses were.
It's happened to me a couple times when I mis-judged and drank too much root.

Technically it's double vision, but really it's just that you CANNOT get both eyes to focus on one thing together. I think it
must be profound muscle relaxation affecting ocular muscles.

It ain't fun.


Phoenix, AZ
Kava Vendor
I don't drink kava the way most of you on here seem to. You probably partake of the stuff more often than I do. For me (and many Fijians), kava is a social drink. Someone who drinks it alone is likely to be mocked for doing so. A kava session usually lasts 2-4 hours, but if it's an occasion (say a birthday) it can start in the late afternoon and end at 2-3am. At about 4 bilos (or shells, as you call them in the US) per hour, 12 is about average I'd say. A bilo would hold around 200ml of kava.

Typical fijian kava session:

How often do Fijians drink kava? I was under the impression that Fijians drank more kava than anyone!


Yaqona Dina
How often do Fijians drink kava? I was under the impression that Fijians drank more kava than anyone!
We drink a *lot* of kava. My perception is that many people on this forum drink small quantities of kava a few days a week, while Fijians are more likely to drink it only once or twice week, but with a lot more of it consumed during those sessions.

EDIT: And within the country, there is of course the divide between drinkers in and around the urban centers, and the villagers out in the rural parts of Fiji. Urban Fijians who have jobs can't really spend all night drinking kava, while rural Fijians who are mostly subsistence farmers don't have the "inconvenience" of a job.
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Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
@kasa_balavu interesting, thanks. Tell me though, how much root do you think you are consuming overall? I'm guessing you're using fresh root rather than dried powdered? From the picture it looks like you are just mixing up a huge batch of weakish kava and taking a long time to consume it? From my point of view as an almost ex borderline alcoholic I want a big buzz to start with followed by mellowness. Any time I extend a session out too long even with a weaker mix I am more prone to nausea.


Kava Lover
I believe Fijians prefer the dried root as well if memory serves. Sometimes I prefer watering down my grog as it seems to help me pace myself.


I have been told I am what is known as a "super taster". My taste buds pic up on some molecule in food that makes bitter flavors well more bitter. Certain foods are really bad ( cucumbers, coffee, celery, and kava it seems). To me cucumbers taste like a stink bug smells. All that to say, I chug kava to get it down as fast as possible. I would have to dilute it a good bit to overcome that flavor. That much water though... This has caused some nausea, and only once did it try to return. I do get ringing the in the ears and some what blurred vision when I push it.

Oh and for coffee I pile the honey or available sweetener to hide the taste. I have found cold brews to not be so bitter with a nice nutty oily flavor.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
As far as I'm aware, Fijians drink will long sessions but they generally drink a very watered down ratio of root:water.
Vanuatu's cultural norm, on the other hand, is to drink a stronger root:water ratio, in a way that's more similar to "drinkin' a six pack" of beer after work.
In non-traditional countries it appears to be a free-for-all, weak...strong...occasionally...frequently...since there is no common culture to it, we're rarely in live contact with another drinker, so it's consumed however it fits each individuals needs. Medicinally or recreationally.
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Persist for Resistance!
I don't drink kava the way most of you on here seem to. You probably partake of the stuff more often than I do. For me (and many Fijians), kava is a social drink. Someone who drinks it alone is likely to be mocked for doing so. A kava session usually lasts 2-4 hours, but if it's an occasion (say a birthday) it can start in the late afternoon and end at 2-3am. At about 4 bilos (or shells, as you call them in the US) per hour, 12 is about average I'd say. A bilo would hold around 200ml of kava.

Typical fijian kava session:
Looks like they are enjoying food with it... Do they eat certain foods during these long kava sessions or keep it to light snacking? It's always seemed like food wasn't good for maximum effect but it would be great to know if kava could be paired with anything (other than strong enough to get the kava taste out) like wines can.


Persist for Resistance!
  • Laxative effects from high fiber levels
I really doubt the laxative effect is due to the fiber. Kavas that cause this effect with me cause it long before the fiber has moved through my stomach. Sometimes within minutes of swallowing. In my experience, it seems more like a component sending a trigger for bowels to release.

  • Slight aphrodisiac with some varieties
I have a bag of N@H instant that I've only used once but created this side effect to an extreme. Really what I would imagine Viagra would be like. I don't want to get too detailed and violate forum etiquette but I'm really afraid to use it again until "when the time is right"...


Yaqona Dina
@kasa_balavuhow much root do you think you are consuming overall? From the picture it looks like you are just mixing up a huge batch of weakish kava and taking a long time to consume it? From my point of view as an almost ex borderline alcoholic I want a big buzz to start with followed by mellowness. Any time I extend a session out too long even with a weaker mix I am more prone to nausea.
It's odd now I think about it, but I've never really measured how much kava I'm drinking. Will pay more attention to this. I suppose we do drink weak kava in comparison, though seeing as this the fijian way™ and the way it has always been done, I've never considered it weak.

I use around a cup of kava to 2 litres of water. It depends on the quality of the kava as well. The mixer will start with less water, and when he is done with kneading, will raise a bilo (shell) of kava high and pour it into the tanoa/bowl/basin. Depending on how thick/concentrated it appears to be, people around the tanoa might ask that more water be added. The object is of course to last until the end of the session, whenever that may be.

If the kava is too concentrated, you might be knocked out or spewing in the nearest bush before the night is out. This will make you the butt of jokes until you've proven in some future kava session that you can handle your kava.

Sometimes you only want to get buzzed quick... perhaps just 2-4 bilos with the staff at the office at 5pm before you head home for the day. Then you'd have what is called a baby mix. A baby mix is a more concentrated... less water, more powder.

@kasa_balavu I'm guessing you're using fresh root rather than dried powdered?
As @blindy107 said above, Fijians don't drink fresh kava. It just isn't a thing here and probably hasn't been since the old days when kava had to be masticated by young unmarried assumed-virgin women.

Here's a good example of how Fijian kava is mixed:


Yaqona Dina
Looks like they are enjoying food with it... Do they eat certain foods during these long kava sessions or keep it to light snacking?
What you see is chaser. Most people don't like the taste of kava, and will follow every shell with a tiny nibble. The photo I posted is just one I found via a google search, not mine. It looks like they have some slices of watermelon as well as various indian sweets and savouries.

The most common chaser is chinese lolly, which is what Fijians call Li hing miu. You hold on to one of those and give it a lick after every shell. The saltiness immediately kills the kava taste.


I've got one you haven't on there! I have read a few threads now with people saying they felt depressed when they had kava. Most of these people were those who suffered depression or were using the kava for that. I also sometimes get MORE depressed on kava, but it usually on the "come down" end of things. I recommend a good vitamin b supplement after a couple of hours. But I think this might be good to add onto the list, with the stipulation that it's more common in those with depression, and it isn't going to happen 100% of the time. It does sometimes, though. Several people mentioned this. If this is for a new site, maybe separate the side effects into more common and more rare?

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I think a Tudei can cause a slight feeling of depression in people who are depression-prone. With a lighter, Noble Kava you're unlikely to experience depression if you have a normal reaction to Kava.


I think a Tudei can cause a slight feeling of depression in people who are depression-prone. With a lighter, Noble Kava you're unlikely to experience depression if you have a normal reaction to Kava.
With me, when it happens, it is almost always after boroguru. But I've had it happen on GHK kavas as well, which all test very light and noble. Either way, it's very infrequent. I think the irritability of the kava wearing off exacerbates the depression symptoms.